Monday, May 01, 2006

Coloradans Beat up on Advantage

We are still 5 behind Coloradans as they beat on Advantage 5-2. Putting us both with 9 for the week.

They are at 44 and we are at 39 points.

Let's keep our offensive momentum going with continued strong D on Sunday at Kicker's x2.


Scott Warburton said...

The Coloradans have to play Real for the next two weeks. They (Coloradans) are a better side, but anything can happen with those Real hacks, don't we know!

Fred said...

Coloradans play Real Inter who look to have a decent defense. Hard to tell from our match with them because of the damn wind the first game, but they did take us to the wire. Hopefully Inter can frustrate Coloradans. If Coloradans have one of the key strikers miss the game, then could be a long day for them...

Fred said...

Cool icon picture